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The current study examined early adolescents’ behavioral characteristics, social interplay, and the social influence of bullies and victims among fifth and sixth graders in elementary schools. Participants (N=736, 52% girls at wave 1, N=677, 52% girls at wave 2) completed friend nominations and peer nominations for bullies, victims, and academic-social behaviors. The results indicated that early adolescents’ physical aggression, relational aggression, and problem behavior at the start of the semester positively predicted their bullying behavior at the end of the semester. Moreover, early adolescents’ anxious behavior and uncooperative behavior at the start of the semester positively predicted their victimization at the end of the semester. Furthermore, results of the longitudinal social network analyses indicated that bullies received many friend nominations from peers and tended to be more influenced by friends who highly bullied others. In addition, highly victimized youth tended to form friendships with highly victimized peers, and youth whose friends are highly victimized became highly victimized themselves over time. The current study underscores the importance of early adolescents’ social interactions with friends, and highlight that early adolescents’ friend selection and social influence play a crucial role in explaining the development of their bullying and victimization.
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