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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study explored the experiences of bystanders who witness cyber bullying among middle school adolescents using focus group interviews(FGI). The focus was on limiting group chat rooms. The cyber bystanders were silent, joined the bullying, or spreaded rumor about the victim online. There were also bystanders’ responses to leave the chat room, invite the teacher to the chat room to attempt intervention, and support the victim. The responses of bystanders in cyber bullying were influenced by social relationships, the powers of bystanders who help victims as well as the bullies, the blame on the victims, and the pressure or mood of the group. Bystanders’ reasons and motivations for responses were mentioned psychological burdens such as fear of being bullied, anxiety about being punished if involved, and perception of loss. Additionally, there were bystanders who think they had nothing to do with cyber bullying, who want to get acquainted with the bullies, hoping to help the teacher to solve the problem, and supporting them by empathizing with the victims. This study provided an opportunity to further approach their life and culture by viewing and understanding cyber bullying from the perspective of adolescents.
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