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메뉴ISSN : 2093-3843
Voice identification is the process of comparing a perpetrator’s and suspect’s voice samples in order to determine if the two voices are consistent with one another. Previous research suggested that since it requires remembering and recognizing voices from a past experience, the accuracy of an earwitness’s identification could be affected by various factors. These include variables relating to the identification procedures such as line-up size, instruction, delay and so on. Also a witness’s age, gender, race or confidence could affect the accuracy of voice identification results. Recognizing how vulnerable the identification process should be, the governments of England and Wales published the official guidance on voice parades in 2003. However, theoretical findings on voice identification and its application for the legal system in South Korea are still little known. These findings are required to continue with concerns and efforts from both academic and legal experts in order to establish the standardized guidance for voice identification in South Korea.
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