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메뉴ISSN : 2093-3843
This study aimed to develop a scale for measuring acute stress disorder symptom of crime victims(Victim Trauma Scale: VTS). To make a preliminary questions, researchers analyzed trauma-related scales and the acute stress disorder diagnosis criteria like DSM-5, and interviewed psychologists and police officers in charge of victim assistance. A total 283 crime victims(male 86, female 197) who experienced crimes within one month were given a set of preliminary questionnaires. Researchers examined through statistical analyses and then generated 2 factors(intrusion/arousal/avoidance, dissociation/negative feelings) and 23 items. VTS yielded excellent internal consistency. To test the validity of VTS, a total 273 (male 82, female 191) crime victim participants were selected from nationwide police stations. Construct validity was also demonstrated by good fitness levels in terms of fit Index. VTS showed high correlations with IES-R, STAI-S, and BDI, confirming its concurrent validity. Researchers have founded significant differences among high, middle, and low trauma groups who completed VTS, also suggested that cutoff score is 52, which means this scale could be a useful screening tool for decision of urgent crisis-intervention mediation. VTS appears to be a reliable and valid measurement tool for acute stress disorder symptom of crime victims, and would be useful to police officers or first responders to assist crime victims.
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