A survey of 524 housewives, residents of Seoul, was carried out to investigate the effects of economic difficulties, economic copying behavior, and communication on their mental health. Life satisfaction, depression, anxiety, and family mental health were the indicators of the mental health in the study. Overall, the respondents reported higher levels of life satisfaction and family mental health than the midpoint on the scale. However, they showed a little depression and anxiety. Regression analysis revealed that economic status, husband's health, judgment of family economic difficulties, communication with husband, and loss of own employment were signigicant predictors of life satisfaction. Furthermore, family economic status, husband's employment loss, husband's health, communication with husband, and perception of family economic crisis were signigicant predictors of depression. For anxiety, loss of their own employment, judgment of family economic difficulties, and husband's health were significant predictors. Finally, communication with children, judgment of family economic difficulties, communication with husband, husband's health, and planned expenditure were significant predictors of family mental health. In conclusion, the study showed that economic difficulties, economic copying behavior, and communication were important factors on mental health of housewives.
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