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메뉴The purpose of this study is to understand the life situation of the female North Korean refugees in China and to prepare the further interventions for them by investigating the stress copying styles of them. The participants of this study is 100 female North Korean refugees in China and data was collected in three districts of the northeast in China. The results of this study were as follows. The female North Korean refugees in China got the high scores than other female South Korean groups in all 4 copying styles. The results of analysis of differences in copying styles according to their demographical characters show that age, education, final resettlement place, economic level, time of escape from North Korea, experiences of arrest, extradition to North Korea, or human traffics variables are related with the differences in problem solving style. Education, final resettlement place, or intention about family members' escape variables are related with the differences in social support seeking style. The differences in emotion-reducing style are related with age, final resettlement place, or opinion about the Chinese-Korean. And the women who had experiences of arrest, extradition to North Korea, or human traffics showed the differences in wish style as well as in problem solving style. Finally the restrictions and suggestions for further studies are presented.
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