This study examined the difference of the attitudes toward feminism between women and men, and its difference by age. Respondents were first and second year students in high school, their parents, and their teachers at 6 different schools in the Seoul area. The respondents were a total of 1393 people; 605 students (M=249, F=356), 592 parents (M=253, F=339), and 196 teachers (M=106, F=90). The scales were the Attitudes toward Women Scale(AWS) and the Semantic Differential Scale(SDS) for feminism and the open questionnaire. The result showed that women had more advanced and positive attitudes toward feminism than men. And the highest score of respondents among men was lower than the lowest score among women, where we can recognize how the difference of the attitudes toward feminism of the two sexes is distinctive. In general, the adolescents had the most positive attitudes. In comparison of each sex, the female students had more advanced attitudes and the mothers had the most negative and traditional attitudes toward feminism among women. The male teachers were more positive and advanced than the adolescents and the fathers among men. Among the differences of each sex group, the adolescents' difference was the most distant. Therfore, the male adolescents' attitudes were still very traditional.
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