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메뉴In this study, investigating the differences among subgroups by personal variables(Study1) of 1283 participants, such as dating status, the number of romantic relationship experiences, conservative-liberalistic tendency, economic status, appearance, satisfaction of appearance, importance of sex, possession of initiative in relationships, and importance of premarital virginity, we try to find out whether “the richer the men, and the prettier the women, the more romantic relationships they get.” We also try to find out which romantic relationship attitude is more important in romantic experiences, and whether there exist greater similarities in love attitudes between genders than the differences(Study2). Findings show that richer men have just little more experiences, but prettier women have not more experiences than those who are not. Appearance was a more important factor in men's romantic relationships than in women's. Among love(romantic) attitudes, the openness, which means active, open-minded to sexuality, outgoing, liberal attitude, was the most critical one in love relationships. And the gender differences in love attitudes were not significant, which supported the our hypothesis 3. The results of the current study seem to support the explanations of Social Construction Theories. But the these results do not contradict to the evolutionary psychology, which emphasizes that inclination and ways to share property is as important as having property in relationship with partners.
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