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메뉴This study aimed at exploring attitudes of male and female undergraduates toward sex-commercialization as a function of type of sex-commercialization and gender of the sex-commercialized. Three-hundred-five undergraduates (Men: 146, Women: 159) self-reported their judgments of severity, disapproval, immorality and inevitability of sex-commercialization for each of 12 cases composed of 3(type: advertisement, nude picture, and sex sale) x 2(gender of the sex-commercialized: man and woman) x 2 (gender of undergraduates: man and woman). The results indicated that overall man undergraduates had less negative attitudes toward sex-commercialization and in particular, toward women's sex-commercialization. Further, sex sale was seen the most negative and followed by nude picture, and yet the pattern of differences among the three types was various across the gender of the sex-commercialized and the gender of undergraduates. Those results were discussed in terms of sociocultural and personal aspects.
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