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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology

The Relationships Between Ambivalent Sexism and Blame of Victim: The Role of Rape Myth


The present study examined the relationships among adolescents' ambivalent sexism, rape myth, and blame of victim. Three hundred and sixty-one high school students(195 male and 166 female) in Changwon read two kinds of rape case scenarios and evaluated the degree of responsibility and blame which they thought should be assigned to female victim, then responded to questions on an ambivalent sexism scale and a rape myth scale, respectively. Major results of the present study were as follows: First, male students scored higher on scales measuring sexism than females did. The averages for benevolent sexism in which a student considers women as an object of affection and protection were found to be higher than the degree to which male students reported feelings of hostility as a result of their perceptions of a female student's invasion of their authority. Furthermore, males scored higher for hostile sexism than females did. The difference between males' and females' scores in terms of hostile sexism was much higher than in the case of benevolent sexism. Additionally, males were found to be more likely to accept rape myth than females did. After reading each case of rape, males tended to blame the victim more harshly, attributed more responsibility to her, and also tended to favor less severe punishment for the perpetrator than females did. Second, we studied role of rape myth between adolescents' sexism and blame of victim. Researchers found that the rape myth plays a role as a mediator. That is, adolescents scoring higher for sexism tended to accept the rape myth, and then to blame the victim more readily. Above all, it was concluded that the rape myth plays a role as a mediator only between hostile sexism and the tendency to blame the victim in female as well as male students.

ambivalent sexism, benevolent sexism, hostile sexism, rape myth, blame of victim, 양가적 성차별 태도, 온정적 성차별, 적대적 성차별, 강간통념, 피해자 비난성폭력은 다른 범죄피해와는 달리 신체적, 경제적 손상 외에도 심각한 정신적 피해 후유증을 남긴다. 더구나 성폭력 피해자의 경우 일차적인 피해와 더불어 피해 발생의 책임을 피해자에게 귀인하는 이차적 피해를 입게 된다. 이런 이유로 피해자는 성폭력 피해를 신고함으로써 신분이나 비밀이 노출되어 경찰, 검찰 및 주위 사람들로부터 받는 수치심과 상처를 감내해야 하는 것 보다 신, ambivalent sexism, benevolent sexism, hostile sexism, rape myth, blame of victim



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology