The goal of this study was to examine the mediation role of coping in the relationship between life stress and depression in college students. Data were obtained from a sample of 270 female college students at four universities in a metropolitan area. All eight multivariate outliers were deleted leaving 262 cases for analysis. The results, based on structural equation model, showed that problem-focused coping style and emotion-focused coping style mediated the effect of life stress on depression. Female college students who had a higher level of life stress had a higher frequency of problem focused coping style, and had a lower level of depression. But those who had a higher level of life stress had a higher frequency of emotion-focused coping style, and had a higher level of depression. The results of this study suggest that female college students frequently used both types of coping style when responding to life stress, and problem-focused coping style is more effective than emotion-focused coping style in reducing the deleterious effects associated with life stress in female college students. Furthermore, the use of emotion-focused coping style may lead to additional emotional problem for individuals in the future. The present study reveals the relationships between life stress, depression, and coping style, provides a general framework to develop stress counseling intervention strategies and guides future research on the coping style
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