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메뉴The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of a mother's satisfaction and rearing behavior on the character development of children in comparison with that of the temperament of children. The JTCI/3-6 was used to assess the temperament and character of children related to the satisfaction and rearing behavior of their mothers. There was a significant correlation between children's temperament and their mother's satisfaction on all variables. Mothers were more unsatisfied as their children's temperament tendency of Novelty Seeking and Harm Avoidance increase and more satisfied related to Reward Dependence and Persistence. There was also a positive correlation between a mother's satisfaction and rearing behavior: The more mothers showed more child-centered behavior as the higher the mother's satisfaction. On the dimension of character development, a mother's satisfaction with children's temperament Harm Avoidance was found as the best predictor of Self-directedness. But the best predictor of Cooperativeness in this study was the children's temperament Novelty seeking. The results of this study suggest that a mother's satisfaction with children's temperament is more important than her rearing behavior itself for the character development of her children. The Need of a mother's education about the importance her satisfaction and understanding of children temperament was discussed.
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