This study argued that suicidal ideation was related to experience of sexual harassment of female college students, and that mediating effects of coping style and attribution style were testified for the relationship between suicidal ideation and experience of sexual abuses. Survey group were 738 female college students, and among them, 120 students who have experienced sexual abuses were selected as experimental group. The instruments of measurement were questionnaire for sexual abuse experiences, scale of coping style of stress, questionnaire for negative attribution style, and suicidal ideation questionnaire. Characteristics of experience of sexual abuses were analysed using frequency analysis, and correlation analysis was implemented to test relationship among experience of sexual abuses, coping style, attribution style, and suicidal ideation. Then, multiple regression analysis was applied to testify mediating effects of coping style and attribution style on the relationship between experience of sexual abuse and suicidal ideation. As the result, experience of sexual abuse and suicidal ideation had some positive relation. For coping style, problem-oriented coping style had only significant negative relation to suicidal ideation. For attribution style, internality and globality had significant positive relationship. Even though experience of sexual abuse affected directly on suicidal ideation, problem-oriented coping and internal attribution mediated sexual abuse to suicidal ideation indirectly.
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