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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology

Sex Differences of Gender Category Representation in Implicit Association Test


This study conducted two experiments using implicit association test (IAT) to explore the sex difference of implicit representation for gender category. In Experiment 1, the manipulated variable was the attribute preference of gender category. The difference of IAT score for the attribute preference was obtained between female participants and male participants. The IAT score of female participants was larger than for male participants. In Experiment 2, the manipulated variable was the attribute typicality of gender category. The difference of IAT score for attribute typicality revealed no sex difference. These results were discussed from a point of view of dynamic representation of gender category in implicit level.

social cognition, gender category, sex difference, IAT, social cognition, gender category, sex difference, IAT, 사회 인지, 성별 범주, 성차, 암묵연합검사 사람들은 기억에 많은 정보를 지니고 있으며 범주(category)라는 정신적 구조로 표상되어 있다. 범주는 복잡한 정보들을 분류하는 체계를 제공하기 때문에 수많은 정보가 효율적으로 기억에 저장되고 처리될 수 있게 한다(이재호와 이정모, 2000, Medin, Lynch, & Solomon, 2000, Murphy & Lassaline, 1997). 범주는 범주를 구성하는 구성원이 있으며 그 구성원이



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology