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메뉴This study examined the effects of public self-consciousness, internalization of sociocultural value, body surveillance, and body distortion on the intention of plastic surgery based on Sarwer et al. (1998)'s the model. Participants were recruited from the class in the University in Seoul, and 222 women responded the questionnaires. As a result of path analysis, (a) 6 paths except one path from public self-consciousness to body distortion were significant, (b) all four variables affect the intention of plastic surgery directly or indirectly. (c) and body distortion was the most influential variable of these. This study also examined the differences in four variables among (a) risk group for plastic surgery, those who took plastic surgery and the intention of plastic surgery were high, (b) normal group for plastic surgery, those who took plastic surgery and the intention of plastic surgery were low, and (c) contrast group, those who didn't take plastic surgery. The result showed that there were no differences in these variables between the risk group and the normal group for plastic surgery, and statistically significant differences were found in body surveillance, body distortion, and internalization of sociocultural value between the risk group and the normal group or between the risk group and the contrast group. In body distortion, there were the highest differences between groups. Theses results indicated that body distortion is the most significant variable among these four variables, and it is likely that the people who took plastic surgery is rather dissimilar than similar group.
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