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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology

A Study on Sentencing of the Women Who Killed their Spouser


Many studies reported that the battered women killed their abuser because they tried to defend themselves. But the battered women's experiences has been not considered in out society. Because there many prejudices about the battered women, ethical criticism for killing spouse, and conservative judical system. It cause to sentence more a battered women who kill abuser than abuser who kill woman. In contrast the battered women syndrome and post traumatic stress disorder are used to defense the battered women who killed abuser. Jurors who were offered about the characteristics of wife battering and expert testimony judge more not guilty verdicts than jurors who were not. This study examined how factors in battered women's cases affect jurors's decision making. This study presented the mock jurors three types of scenarios. First scenario described the general case. Second scenario involved the adultery of the battered woman. The third scenario involved abuse history and severity of past abuse. Of the three manipulated variables, abuse history appeared to be more important for predicting not guilty verdicts. This means that when the past beating experiences are offered to mock jurors, they returned more not guilty. This finding propose change and improvement of judical system to investigate the abuse history in battered woman's case

wife battering, battered women who kill spouserr, PTSD, sentence, self-defence, 가정폭력, 배우자 살해, 외상후스트레스장애, 매 맞는 여성 증후군, 양형, 정당방위일반적으로 여성의 범죄율이 남성의 범죄율에 비해 더 낮은 공식기록을 유지해왔다(김영희, 박광배, 이재희 2004, 하이덴손, 1985). 우리나라의 경우 1970년대 중반 이후 여성범죄가 증가하고 있어 전체범죄자중 여성이 차지하는 비율은 대략 10%를 상회하는 것으로 알려지고 있다(형사정책연구원, 1999). 2005년 전체무기수형자 1, 085명중 여성무기수형자, wife battering, battered women who kill spouserr, PTSD, sentence, self-defence



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology