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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology

Acculturation and Identity of Immigrant Wives of International Marriages in Korea


This study investigated the factors influencing the acculturation and identity and the coping strategies of the immigrant wives of international marriages in Korea. Face-to-face in-depth interviews were carried out, and qualitative analyses were done in order to systematically identify the relevant factors and their relationships. Situational factors and coping strategies were found to be the two major categories influencing acculturation and identity. Sub-categories of the situational factors were found to be the acquisition of language and culture, relationships and social support, child rearing, and the acceptance by the Korean society. The women sometimes showed active problem-solving behaviors such as building up their abilities or taking assertive attitudes, and sometimes showed passive reactions such as enduring the difficulties or waiting for the situation to change. It was found that, when the situation was favorable, they tend to use more active problem-solving strategies, and achieved higher life satisfaction. The women's acculturation types were found to be mostly assimilation and integration. Those who freely adopt both types depending on the situation showed higher adjustment. The study revealed that these women are active builders of their new life using various strategies in the face of many difficulties, in contrast to the stereotype that they are maladjusted and isolated victims.

국제결혼, 이주여성, 문화적응, 정체성, immigrant wives, international marriage, acculturation, identity



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology