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메뉴The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of family violence correction group counseling on violence act, aggression, and self esteem of the family violence injurers. The subjects of this study were composed of 36 men who were decided' counsel decision' from judge. They were assigned to an experimental group 12 men, comparative group 12 men and control group 12 men. This study design was a pre-posttest control group design. The family violence injurer correction group counseling was carried out with the experimental group. The family violence injurer correction individual counseling was carried out to the comparative group. The hypothesis and the results for the study were as follows. First, the experimental group would be significantly lower than the comparative and control groups on the family violence injurers's violence act. The experimental group showed statistically significant lower scores than the comparative and control groups on family violence injurer's violence act. Second, the experimental group would be significantly lower than the comparative and control groups on the family violence injurers's aggression. The experimental group indicated statistically significant lower scores than the comparative and control groups on aggression levels. Third, the experimental group would be significantly higher than a comparative and control groups on the family violence injurers's self esteem. The experimental and comparative groups showed statistically significant higher scores than the control group on the family violence injurers's self-esteem. The results of the study indicated that family violence batterer group counseling was more effective than individual counseling on family violence injurer's violence act, aggression. However, self esteem showed no significant differences between the experimental and comparative groups.
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