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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology

Coping Self-Efficacy and Outcome Expectancy as Mediators of the Relation Between Perceived Contextual Support and Career Indecision Among Engineering Students: Focusing on Gender Differences


This study examined a model in which the relation between perceived contextual support and career indecision was expected to be mediated by coping self-efficacy and outcome expectancy for a sample of engineering students (N = 672). Structural equation analyses revealed that the link between contextual support and career indecision was fully mediated by coping self-efficacy and outcome expectancy. Statistically significant paths were found from contextual support to coping self-efficacy and outcome expectancy. Statistically significant paths were also found from self-efficacy and outcome expectancy to career indecision. In addition, there were significant gender differences in the mean scores of the variables and model fits. Implications for research and practice are discussed.

지각된 맥락적 지지, 대처효능감, 결과기대, 진로미결정, 남녀 차이, contextual support, coping self-efficacy, outcome expectancy, career indecision, gender differences



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology