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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Browse Articles

Vol.14 No.3

Study of Mate selection and satisfaction

The purpose of this study was to identify factors related to singles’ mate selection and married persons’ marital satisfaction through four generations of different aged (single, newly married, middle aged, and elderly group). For this purpose, an open-ended questionnaire was completed by a total of 163 persons belonging to four different age groups in Seoul and Chungcheong-Do. Forty-nine singles of them described mate selection and avoidance factors and 114 married persons described mate satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors. Content analyses led to four categories (personal, relational, familial, and social) and 18 subcategories. Also, interactions between category, generation and gender were analysed through log-linear analysis. For the frequency of mate selection/satisfaction were interactions significant between category and generation and between category and gender. Also, for the frequency of mate avoidance/ dissatisfaction were all two-way interactions significant among category, generation and gender. Also, differences between generations and between gender for each category were analysed through cross-tabs. Generation differences were found for all categories, whereas gender differences were found only for familial and social categories. These findings were discussed specifically in terms of developmental contexts.

The Effects of the Parenting Training Program on Self-esteem, Parenting Stress and Attitude of Mothers of Children with Severe and Multiple Disabilities

This study was aimed to investigate the effects of the Parenting Training Program which was designed to improve the self-esteem, parenting stress and attitude of mothers of children with severe and multiple disabilities. The subjects were 13 mothers of children with severe and multiple disabilities attending a special school in G Metropolitan City and 13 waiting mothers as a comparison group. The Parenting Training Program consisted of eight sessions (120 minutes per session). Data was analysed using ANCOVA and content analysis of the descriptions about the experience of changes caused by the participation of the program. The results showed that the self-esteem of program participants were improved more than the waiting group and positive changes appeared in both affectionate and positive parenting attitudes, but there was not a significant decrease in parenting stress. Additionally, the results of content analysis showed that the program participants experienced positive changes in themselves, as well as, in relationships with their family and others. These results mean that the Parenting Training Program is useful for the mothers who have high risk of various psychological problems. Some limitations of this study and the direction for future study were discussed.

The Effects of the Parenting Training Program on Self-esteem, Parenting Stress and Attitude of Mothers of Children with Severe and Multiple Disabilities
Sun-Ok Park(Eunhae School) ; Hyun-Kyun Shin(Department of Psychology, Chonnam National University) pp.329-345

This study was aimed to investigate the effects of the Parenting Training Program which was designed to improve the self-esteem, parenting stress and attitude of mothers of children with severe and multiple disabilities. The subjects were 13 mothers of children with severe and multiple disabilities attending a special school in G Metropolitan City and 13 waiting mothers as a comparison group. The Parenting Training Program consisted of eight sessions (120 minutes per session). Data was analysed using ANCOVA and content analysis of the descriptions about the experience of changes caused by the participation of the program. The results showed that the self-esteem of program participants were improved more than the waiting group and positive changes appeared in both affectionate and positive parenting attitudes, but there was not a significant decrease in parenting stress. Additionally, the results of content analysis showed that the program participants experienced positive changes in themselves, as well as, in relationships with their family and others. These results mean that the Parenting Training Program is useful for the mothers who have high risk of various psychological problems. Some limitations of this study and the direction for future study were discussed.

The Relations among Female College Students Attachment, Parent's Attachment and Student's Interpersonal Competence

This study is investigated the effect of attachment and the interpersonal competence focusing on attachment through a generation. The subjects were 205 female college students and their parents located in Seoul. With the inventory of parent attachment(IPPA-R), the scale of interpersonal competence(ICQ) to students and the adult attachment scale(ASS) to their parents were used. As a result of correlation analysis, overall relationships among the attachment to mother and attachment to father were significant with student's interpersonal competence. According to the result of multi-regression analysis, attachment predicted female student's interpersonal competence. Especially the attachment to mother effected on initiation, disclosure, emotional support and conflict management. In addition, the attachment to father predicted negative assertion. the father's attachment to his own mother was completely mediated by the student-father attachment, and the mother's attachment to her own mother was completely mediated by student-mother attachment and effected in students interpersonal competence.

Factors predicting recidivism of female violent juvenile probationers: Study for developing FVJP-RRAR(Female Violent Juvenile Probationers-Rapid Risk Assessment of Recidivism)

The purpose of the present study is to analyze factors predicting recidivism of female violent juvenile probationers for the duration of probation term, and to develop a actuarial assessment tool designed to be employed in the practice of probation. The subjects consisted of 69 violent juvenile probationers who had reoffended during their terms of probation and matched sample of 61 non-recidivists. The study found significant deferences between the recidivists group and the non-recidivists group in 9 variables. Among these variables, logistic regression showed that experience of school dropout, education, violent criminal history and parents type best predicted the recidivism for the duration of probation. FVJP-RRAR demonstrated that AUC value amounted to .772, which is referred to high predictive accuracy. These results of the study suggest that FVJP-RRAR could be a useful and potential tool for realizing ‘gender awareness’ in managing juvenile probationers commensurately with their risk, and treating violent juveniles on their need basis. It is expected that the predictive accuracy and the validity would be enhanced by follow-up studies on validation, and subsequent studies considering dynamic factors and protective factors.

Sex Differences in the Relationship among Temperament, Character, Intelligence, and School Achievement of Middle School Students

This study analyzed, using a path model, the sex differences between male and female subjects in the ways that temperament and intelligence(IQ) of middle school students influence their character development and school achievement. Based on previous studies, hypotheses 1 was: the different relationships between temperament and intelligence in each sex, and hypothesis2 was: the different mediators between temperament or intelligence and school record in each sex, i.e. in the male group, self-directedness, and in the female, cooperativeness. For the research aims, a total of 351 middle school students (male=151, female=200) completed the JTCI, an intelligence test battery, and questionnaires about school records. There were significant differences in temperament and character between male and female subject groups: the female group showed higher Reword Dependence and the male higher Self-directedness. In the analysis of the path model, in the case of the male group, the intelligence showed a significant co-variation with Harm Avoidance in a negative direction, but the intelligence showed no direct effect either on Self-directedness or on the school record; only the Harm Avoidance had a direct effect on Self-directedness. There was also no mediating effect of Self-directedness between factors. In the female group, the path model was as significant in identifying that intelligence showed a significant positive co-variation with persistence among the temperament factors. And here, persistence had a direct effect on cooperativeness, and also cooperativeness showed a significant mediating effect between persistence and school record. The study suggested that we need different educational approaches and counseling for the sexes in the dimension of personality and achievement.

Career Barriers, Career Decisions Making Self-Efficacy and Career Decisions Making Levels for North Korean females Refugees: Compared with South Korean females

The purpose of this study is to investigate the variables such as Career Barriers, Career Decisions Making Self-Efficacy, Career Decisions Making Levels of North Korean females compared with those of South Korean females, and also to research the Career Decisions Making Self-Efficacy and Career Decisions Making Levels affected by Career Barriers. This research identifies the career variables to provide North Korean females Refugees with basic information services for careers. The conclusion is as follows; first, the Career Barriers, Career Decisions Making Self-Efficacy, Career Decisions Making Levels are analyzed for each of the groups, North Korean females Refugees and South Korean females. The overall Carrer Barriers makes no differences but the sub-factors, ‘the preparation lack of labor markets and the limits and low expectations of labor markets’ are significant. That is, North Korean females Refugees' Career Barriers, Career Decisions Making Self-Efficacy are higher than those of South Korean females and their Career Decisions Making Levels are lower than those of South Korean females. Second, it is analyzed how much influence Career Barriers have on Career Decisions Making Self-Efficacy, Career Decisions Making Levels. The survey says, as Career Barriers, the 29.6% of North Korean females Refugees and 41.1% of South Korean females regarding the Career Decisions Making Self-Efficacy, and 20.9% of North Korean females Refugees and 38.7% of South Korean females regarding Career Decisions Making Levels. North Korean females Refugees' explanationablity of all of the variables is lower than that of South Korean females. The last part of the research is the meanings of the research and the suggestions.

The Relation Between Evaluative Concern Perfectionism and Psychological Distress: Emotion-focused Coping and Perceived Efficacy as Mediators

This study examined the possible mediating effects of emotion-focused coping and perceived efficacy on the relation between evaluative concern perfectionism and psychological distress. A convenience sample of 241 university students (129 men and 112 women) was employed. Analyses of the structural model for the full sample yielded evidence of good fit. The results support the indirect pathways of evaluative concern perfectionism to psychological distress through emotion-focused coping and perceived efficacy. About 40% of variance in psychological distress was accounted for by evaluative concern perfectionism, emotion-focused coping and perceived efficacy. In addition, the fully mediated model produced good fit to the data across gender. However, there were no differences in structural paths as a function of gender. Implications for counseling practice and future research are discussed.

Longitudinal Analysis of the Reciprocal Effects of the Perceived Career Barrier and the Career Aspiration of Academically Excellent Female Students

Our goal in the present study was to evaluate possible reciprocal effects that may exist between the perceived career barrier and the career aspiration of the academically excellent female students in Korea. We used time-structured longitudinal data in order to identify the relative reciprocal influences that may exist between these two variables within an autoregressive cross-lagged modeling framework. Longitudinal data were collected from junior-high or high school students in Korea over 3 years. In the first year of this study, four hundred and thirty five students participated in the present study, 378 students in the second year, and finally 355 students in the third year. We used an autoregressive cross-lagged panel design with three waves of data. Result of the stability coefficient, reflecting the auto-regressions of each variable showed that the perceived career barrier and the career aspiration of academically excellent female students were significantly stable. In addition, the positive cross-lagged effects of the career barrier and the career aspiration were found between career barrier (T1) → career aspiration (T2), and career aspiration (T2) → career barrier (T3). The findings of cross-lagged effects indicated the reciprocal effects between two variables in stead of the unidirectional effect of career barrier to career aspiration. Suggestion for differentiated interventions for academically excellent female adolescents and implications for future studies were made.

Factor influencing happiness among Korean adults: The influence of occupational achievement, success of children, emotional support and self-efficacy

The purpose of this research is to examine the factors that influence happiness among Korean adults. To this end, we have examined the influence of socio-economic status, monthly income, position in a company, type of occupation, occupational achievement, marital status, single or double income family, number of children, and the success of children. Second, we have examined the influence of gender in the experience of happiness, especially the influence of occupational success and success of children among employed men and women and housewives. A total of 313 adults (men=133, women=180) living in three different neighborhood differing in socio-economic status completed a survey questionnaire that includes Bandura's (1995) resiliency of efficacy, emotional support and happiness scale developed by the present researchers and background information(Cronbach a =.84~.90). The results are as follows. First, t-test and ANOVA analyses revealed that for both men and women, those with higher socio-economic status, monthly income, professional occupations, occupational achievement, and success of children were more likely to report higher levels of happiness. Although marital status of men did not influence their level of happiness, the widowers had the highest level of happiness for women. Second, in the hierarchical multiple regression analyses with happiness as the dependent variable and monthly income, age, education, emotional support, resiliency of efficacy, occupational success and success of children as predictors, emotional support was the most important predictor of happiness for men, followed by occupational success. For housewives, the success of their children, followed by monthly income were predictive of their happiness. For employed women, resiliency of efficacy was predictive of their happiness.

The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology