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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Effects of child's temperament, mother's temperament, and character on parenting attitudes


This study explored the effect of child's temperament, mother's temperament and character on parenting attitude. A total of 282 children from age 3 to 6 participated in this study, and their main care-takers completed JTCI 3-6(The Junior Temperament and Character Inventory/3-6), TCI-RS(The Temperament and Character Inventory-Revised-Short), and PARQ(Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire). The results are as follows. First, for mother's warmth/affection parenting, child's reward dependence(RD) and persistence(P) had a significant effect, and mother's self-directedness(SD) also significant in its effect. For both child and mother, higher RD and P resulted in more warmth/affection parenting attitude. Second, for mother's aggression/hostility parenting, child's novelty seeking(NS) and mother's novelty seeking(NS) and harm avoidance(HA) had a significant effect. However, mother's character had no significant effect. Especially, mother's high novelty seeking and high harm avoidance, regardless of child's temperamental strength, resulted in more aggression/hostility parenting attitude. Third, for mother's indifference parenting, only mother's temperament had a significant effect. Lower persistence(P) of both child and mother resulted in mother's indifference parenting attitude.

자녀의 기질, 어머니의 기질, 어머니의 성격, 양육 태도, child's temperament, caregiver's temperament, caregiver's character, parental attitude



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology