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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The Sex Difference in Relationship Model among Perfectionism and Career Indecision: The Mediation Effect of Worry


This study first attempted to examine the mediation effect of worry in the relationship between the socially-prescribed perfectionism(SPP) of multi-dimensional perfectionism and career indecision(CI) among college students. Next, this study explored whether the process of career decision making differs by gender on the mediation model. The results using structural equation preferred the complete mediation model over the partial mediation. In addition, the multi-group analysis was applied to the test for examining gender difference based on complete mediation model. Finding indicated that model of mediation effect of worry produced good fit to the data across gender. But there's a little bit of gender difference in the path between worry and CI. For males, all paths in the mediation model were significant. For females, however, the path between worry and CI was not significant. This contrasted result indicated the possibility of gender differences in characteristics and affect recognition to understand career decision among college students.

socially-prescribed perfectionism(SPP), career indecision(CI), worry, gender difference, 사회적으로 부과된 완벽주의, 진로미결정, 걱정, 성차, socially-prescribed perfectionism(SPP), career indecision(CI), worry, gender difference



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology