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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Gender difference in self-leadership and its impact on the effectiveness of college life


The purpose of the present study was to (1) examine gender differences in self-leadership and (2) investigate the relationship between self leadership and the various criteria of college life effectiveness such as basic occupational competencies, college life satisfaction, grade, and leadership. The Korean version of the RSLQ(Revised Self-Leadership Questionnaire) composed of 9 strategies as well as measures of college life effectiveness were administered to samples of 890 college students in Seoul, Kyungido, and Choongchungdo. The results of latent means of analysis indicated that there was no gender differences on the general level of self-leadership. However, female students showed higher level of self-leadership than male students on self-reward, self-punishment, self-cluing, and constructive thought pattern strategies, while the level of natural reward strategy was higher for male students than females. Self-leadership was significantly related to all of the college life effectiveness variables. In particular, self-leadership showed very high correlation(r=.53) with basic occupational competencies and college life satisfaction for female students. For males, general leadership was the criterion of college life effectiveness that showed the strongest relationship with self-leadership(r=.44). The results of multiple regression analyses demonstrated that different strategies of self-leadership were the significant predictors for college effectiveness variables for males and females. Finally, the limitations and future direction of the present study sere discussed.

self-leadership, gender difference, college life effectiveness, 셀프리더십, 남녀차이, 대학생활효과성, self-leadership, gender difference, college life effectiveness



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology