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메뉴This study has a purpose to develop vocational adjustment program that is essential for marriage immigrant women to settle down in our society and verify the effectiveness of the program. In order to develop practical program with reflecting their unique issues and experiences comparing to other groups, many diverse ways such as questionnaire, face to face in-depth interview, and expert-interview were used. Vocational adjustment program for marriage immigrant women was consisted of six parts like understanding multi-culture, basic economical concepts and practical use, vocation and labor market comprehension, self-understanding and analysis, cultivating organization adaptation and job capacities, establishing career goal. After carrying into effect the program, the result was significant differences in career identity, the understanding vocational information, adaptation of vocational culture, career aspiration to women who have taken the vocational adjustment program. Through the program, marriage immigrant women will be high in self-efficacy with the real recognition of the Korean labor market and expect their positive future which might be better than now. Finally this can help them adjust our society in the positive way.
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