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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Differences of defense mechanisms according to MMPI-2 profile types and personality traits of North Korean Female Refugees


This study examined the differences of defense mechanisms according to MMPI-2 profile types and personality traits of 578 North Korean female refugees educated in Hanawon (Settlement Support Center for North Korean Refugees). As a result of cluster analysis of MMPI-2 subscales, these sample divided into three types. The first type meets the normal range on validity and clinical scales, accounts for 50.3%. The second type accounting for 29.2%, had 55T~60T on Pa-Pt-Sc-Si scales. The third type, represents 20.4%, showed high scores on D-Pt-Si scales. The second type had higher scores on Narcissistic Defense Mechanism than other types, the second and the third type had higher scores on Immature and Neurotic Defense Mechanism than the first type, and the third type had the lowest scores on Mature Defense Mechanism of Ewha Defense Mechanism Test. According to correlation analysis, PSY-5 scales had significantly positive correlation with defense mechanisms: Aggressiveness with Controlling, Distortion, and Passive-Aggressive behavior; Psychoticism with Projection, Dissociation, and Acting Out; Disconstraint with Acting Out, Passive-Aggressive behavior, and Projection; Negative Emotionality/Neuroticism with Dissociation, Acting out, Projection, and Somatization. Introversion/Low Positive Emotionality had significant negative correlation with Humor, Controlling, and Distortion. This study showed that defense mechanisms of North Korean female refugees had different aspect according to MMPI-2 profile types and personality trait had meaningful correlation with defense mechanisms. Finally, therapeutic approach for North Korean female refugees were suggested.

North Korean Female Refugees, Defense mechanism, MMPI-2, PSY-5, Hanawon, North Korean Female Refugees, Defense mechanism, MMPI-2, PSY-5, Hanawon, 탈북 여성, 방어기제, MMPI-2, 성격병리 5요인 척도, 하나원



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology