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메뉴The objective of this study is to observe the effect of married women's perception of parent's marital relations on the perspective toward marriage and marital adjustment. The data of the 1st KLoWF - Korean Longitudinal Survey of Women & Family is used, and 7,882 cases of married women living with their spouses are analyzed. The result indicates that married women's perception of their parent's marital relations affect the current marital adjustment. Precisely, women who recognize that their parent's relations were not harmonious tend to have lower adjustment in their own marriage. Further, parent's marital quality directly affect married women's marital adjustment and indirectly through the perspective toward marriage. Drawing on the result, this study suggests interventional methods; the necessity of extending couple-centered family culture, enhancing couple counseling and treatment for marital adjustment, preventive programs to preclude marital relations from transmitted between generations.
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