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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


A Study on judging the credibility of the statements of sexually abused children


The purpose of this thesis is to judge the credibility and the veracity of the sexually abused children's statements through Criteria-Based Content Analysis(CBCA) and Reality Monitoring(RM). This study experimented with the imagined statements to compare with the true statements. The true statements received significantly higher total CBCA and RM scores and eight individual CBCA criteria scores and all individual RM criteria scores than the imagined statements. Compare to the imagined statements, the true statements had more vivid and detailed information, descriptions of interactions, and reproduction of conversation with offender. The true statements have more children's emotion and feelings, such as rage, hatred, sadness, and fear than the imagined. Moreover, the true statements had more perceptual information. On the other hand, the imagined statements had spatial information and temporal information to understand the sexual abuse. However the imagined statements did not have perceptual informations based on the real experience.

Child Sexual Abuse, CBCA, Reality Monitoring, SVA, 아동성폭력, 준거기반내용분석, 사실성 평가, 아동진술신빙성평가(SVA), Child Sexual Abuse, CBCA, Reality Monitoring, SVA



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology