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메뉴The purpose of this study is to examine whether there are gender differences in social support experience and psychological health. In addition, I investigated the effects of social support experiences on psychological well-being, depression, and generativity of old women and old men. I achieved data of 705 elderly(man 332, women 373) aged 65 and over living in Seoul and Kyunggi areas. The major results of this study follow. First, there are significant differences in social support experience and old men felt more psychological well-being and generativity and less depression than old women. Second, for old men, social support experiences providing to significant others more effect on the psychological health than social support experiences receiving from them. On the other hands, for old women, social support experiences receiving from significant others had important effects. Finally, there were differences on psychological health by social support types for old women and old men. These results suggested that we need detail and integrated elderly welfare interventions to promote psychological health for elderly.
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