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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology

The effect of couples' similarities and agreement level on their communication and marriage satisfaction


The main purpose of this study is to execute a research in depth about the relationship between couple’s similarities, image agreement level of the self and spouse and the couple’s communication as well as general satisfaction in their marriage life. Randomly selected 231 married couples living in four different areas participated in this research. In terms of couples' similarities, the participants were divided into four groups by feature combination of Positive-Negative and Forward-Backward. And about image agreement level, the result was drawn by self perceptional difference between Current image and Wish image of the self and of their spouse. The outcomes show as follows: firstly, the couple’s communication competence is high when they share the same Forward direction. Secondly, the more similarities the couples have, the higer level of marriage satisfaction they have. As a noticeable result, even though they are different, husband's higher level of task directional tendency over the wife lead to higher satisfaction level in their marrage. Thirdly, when the gap between couples' wish images and current images is smaller, the level of their marriage satisfaction and communication competence show higher. Above results suggest clearer expection in gender role and accurate understanding of spouse’s wish image as well as couples' similarities play a critical role in quality of marriage.

부부유사성, 자기상일치도, 배우자상일치도, 결혼만족, 커뮤니케이션, couples’ similarities, self-image agreement level, spouse image agreement level, marriage satisfaction, couple communication, couples’ similarities, self-image agreement level, spouse image agreement level, marriage satisfaction, couple communication



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology