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메뉴This study examined whether aggression mediates the effects of seven sub-types of narcissistic personality on psychopathy. It hypothesized that some of narcissistic personality could affect aggression that, in turn, contributes to psychopathy. The sample of this study consisted of 864 college students (451 males and 413 females). The participants completed an assessment battery consisting of Narcissistic Personality Inventory(NPI), Aggression Questionnaire(AQ), and Self-Reported Psychopathy Scale(SRPS). According to the results, narcissistic personality and aggression variables affected psychopathy, and aggression predicted students' psychopathy. The effects of students' narcissistic personality on psychopathy were partly mediated by aggression. The research findings partly supported the hypothesis, and were discussed on gender differences in relation among sub-types of narcissistic personality, aggression, and psychopathy. The implications and limitations of this study were suggested.
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