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메뉴This study extends the literature on eating disorder symptomatology by testing, based on extant literature on objectification theory, a model that examines (a) links of interpersonal sexual objectification experiences to eating disorder-related variables and (b) the mediating roles of internalization of sociocultural standards of beauty, body surveillance, and body shame. The present study also tested these core constructs with dance majors, as their experiences with these constructs may differ. A multiple-groups analysis comparing these women (n = 98) with non-dancers (n = 154) indicated that objectification theory can be extended to the dance majors. However, structural invariance analyses revealed that the relationships among the study variables may not be identical for these groups. The dance majors had a stronger relationship between internalization and disordered eating but weaker relationships between body surveillance and body shame, between body shame and disordered eating, and between interpersonal sexual objectification experiences and body surveillance than did non-dancers. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.
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