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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


A study on the Effects of Moderator Variable on the Relation between Domestic Violence Inducing Factor and Violent Behavior


The purpose of this study was examine moderator variable for domestic violence by presenting controllable moderator variable in domestic violence occurring between married couples. This study attempted to understand the ‘moderating’ effect in the course in which rage develops to violent behavior. The questionnaire research was conducted to the subjects being consisted of legal group(n=269) including assaulter(n=143; 53.16%) who had been subjected to legal measure and victims(n=126; 46.84%) who were their spouse, and control group(n=1,476) including general married men(n=753; 51.02%) and women(n=723; 48.98%), and being recruited from Seoul, Daegu, Kyungbuk, and Pusan using convenient sampling method. A total of 1,476 subjects participated. The results of this study are as follows: The control group showed higher percentage of behavior of a coping scale of husband than legal group. The husbands showed higher percentage of behavior of a coping scaler than wives. As for husbands, husbands of control group showed higher percentage of wife behavior of a coping scale than them of legal group. As for legal group, wife showed more behavior of a coping scale than husband. Although the intensity of violence increased as the anger of husband is higher, as the mind control behavior of a coping scale of husband increased the intensity of violence of husband decreased. It was also showed that the intensity of violence of husband remained increasing even wife deployed behavior of a coping scale of legal appeal, appealing behavior, and strong dealing method.

Domestic violence, Domestic violence inducing factor, violent behavior, moderator variable. behavior of a coping scale, 가정폭력, 가정폭력유발요인, 폭력행동, 조절변수, 대처방식 행동, Domestic violence, Domestic violence inducing factor, violent behavior, moderator variable. behavior of a coping scale



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology