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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology

The Effect of Gender Differences on Officer's Situation Awareness and Navigation Performances


This study aims to investigate the effect of navigation officer's gender on their situation awareness(SA) and navigation performances. For this purpose, the male and female navigation officer's performance of (1) recognizing the previous navigation scenes, (2) comparing of two radar informations, and (3) projecting possible situations based on current context and were compared. And ship handling performances in simulation, subjective workload, and confidence on their performances were compared in both genders. The results indicated the male navigation officers showed higher recognition accuracy and more sensitive in discriminating the difference between two radar informations than female navigation officers. In simulation study, male navigation officers showed lower frequency of collisions with other ships and higher level of confidence on their performances than female officers, although there are no gender differences on their subjective workload.

성차, 항해사 상황인식, 상황인식 단계, 항해 시물레이션, Officer's situation awareness, Levels of situation awareness, ship simulation, Officer's situation awareness, Levels of situation awareness, ship simulation



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology