The purpose of this study is to define and validate the factors of attitude questionnaire toward married immigrant women. Literature review as well as individual interviews were carried out and the questionnaire with six factors(exclusive attitude, concern, influence, prejudice, adaptation, and credibility) was composed of 60 items. Through content validity with 7 experts, 8 items were excluded and 52 items were chosen. The 52-item questionnaire of attitude toward married immigrant women was carried out on the subjects of 56 adolescents and adults. After item analysis and exploratory factor analysis, 30 items of the reviewed attitude questionnaire toward married immigrant women were conducted on 629 subjects of adolescents and adults in Jeolla-province. Through reanalyzed exploratory factor analysis, 2 items were excluded and 28 items were chosen. The results of confirmative analysis of 28 items of the final attitude questionnaire toward married immigrant women proved the model fitness of six-factored structure. The correlations between every sub-factor of the attitude questionnaire toward married immigrant women and all of the sub-factors of QDI(The quick discrimination inventory) also showed the concurrent validity of the developed questionnaire. Both limitations of this study and suggestions for further studies were discussed with the implication of these findings.
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