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메뉴The present research aims to investigate the extent to which three types of communication (constructive, destructive, demand-withdraw) married couples have used played a role in the conflict caused by the discrepancy in couple's marital ideals and misunderstanding of spouse's ideals. One hundred and seventy six married couples whose marriage have lasted less than 10 years evaluated on their marital conflicts, marital ideals, and using three types of communications. Findings are as follows: First, the constructive communication alleviated the marital conflict caused by the discrepancy in the marital ideals. Specifically, husband‘s constructive communication moderated the relationship between discrepancy and marital conflict. The mutual constructive communications also turned out to play a critical role in the wife's conflict. Second, it seemed that marital conflict caused by misunderstanding of spouse's marital ideals become alleviated when there was the more constructive communication between married couples. Additionally, husband's constructive communication played an important role in the wife's marital conflict.
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