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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Development of The Marital Distress Perceptions Scale


The purpose of this study was to develop a scale for assessing marital perceptions. A 51 item marital perceptions scale was constructed on the basis of the results of a factor analysis of scores on 60 preliminary items (five items in each of 12 marital life areas). The factor analysis yielded five factors: commitment-unbalance perception. disregard perception, poor affection perception, religion-discord perception, incompetence perception. The internal consistency of the scale was comparatively high. Their correlation with the general marital dissatisfaction scale (sub-scale of the Korean Marital Satisfaction Inventory) was high except for the ‘religion-discordant spouses’ factor. And the ‘poor affection perception’ factor was negatively correlated with other factors, which suggested that the factor reflected other aspects of negative marital perceptions. Lastly the clinical implications and limitations of this study were discussed along with suggestion for future research.

부부문제, 부부지각, 부부 불만족, 부부문제에 대한 인지행동적 모델, marital problems, marital perceptions, marital dissatisfaction, cognitive-behavioral model



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology