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메뉴This study searches what is needed for feminist counseling which is introduced to our country 30 years ago. As a way of exploring, the history of feminist counseling of the USA and that of Korea were analyzed comparatively. Feminist counseling of the USA has fourty years of history and that of Korea has thirty years of history. There is a commonality that feminist counseling started in the context of feminist movement. There are some differences: Professional counselors in the USA and activist counselors in Korea have led feminist counseling; In the USA professional counselors have done professional achievements but reaches the point where they ask themselves whether they keep the spirit of feminist movement which is the root of feminist counseling, but in Korea the spirit of feminist movement has kept but the need for professional counselors is not met because of the lack of them; There are curriculum on feminist counseling on the graduate level in the USA, but there is none in Korea. Through the comparative analysis establishing the educational institute for feminist counseling, developing the model for feminist counseling, insisting the feminist value , and preparing the working conditions of the counselors become the tasks of Korean feminist counselors.
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