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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


When Woman Drink: What to Drink in What Context is?


The purpose of this study is to analyze a women drinking culture, not as problematic approach but as normal culture approach. Participants of this study were 800(man:495, women:305) adult people who have experience of drinking more than once in the last month. The main results were as follows. First, women who preferred beer, and were mainly drink with friends and family situation. Women drinking frequency were usually less than 1 time per week. Women alcohol consumption amount at a time was little more than half a bottle(converted into soju-Korean traditional distilled liquer). Second, the age of most women in their 20s drinking alcohol properties, are decreased and 30s tended to be rising again in 40. Third, the reason for the selection of beer is flavor, while the main factor why the choice of soju mainly acted as an economic factor. And the main image of the beer ‘youth’, ‘fashionable / stylish’, whereas the ‘original / legitimacy’, ‘economic’ image was strong on soju. Selecting the type of alcohol, women is exposing their ‘semiotic meaning’. Fourth, ‘friends/seniror and junior’ context in alcohol consumption is different in gender: women's context is similar to the context of ‘family’, whereas man's context of ‘colleagues’ were similar to those of the context. Finally the implications and limitations of the study were discussed.

여성음주, 음주문화, 음주성차, 음주맥락, 문화심리학, Woman alcohol consumption, Woman drinking culture, Gender difference in drinking, Drinking context, Image of bear & soju



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology