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메뉴The purpose of this study was to investigate influences of internet use motivation and stress coping on adolescent's pathological internet use. 228 middle school and 203 high school students were participated and completed a set of questionaries. Data were analyzed with t-test, multiple regression analysis. The results were as follows: First, Community and on-line games frequently appeared in pathological internet use risk group. On-line game is strongest in boys and community and information-search is strongest in girls. Second, the results showed that internet use motivation and stress coping has differences between boys and girls. Boys have a higher sensation seeking motivation, mastery motivation, sexual motivation than girls. And Girs have a higher interaction motivation, information motivation, expression motivation than boys. In both boys and girls, avoidant coping was highest among the stress copings. Third, stepwise multiple regression analysis showed 4 variables(sexual motivation, mastery motivation, avoidant motivation, avoidant coping) explained 51.4% variance of pathological internet use in boys. In girls, 5 variables(sensation seeking motivation, interaction motivation, mastery motivation, avoidant motivation, avoidant coping) explained 47.5% variance of pathological internet use. Finally, implications and limitations of this study and suggestion for future studies were discussed.
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