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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology

Gender Differences on Social-Psychological Characteristics of Adolescents with Prostitution Experiences


The purpose of this study was to explore gender differences on social-psychological characteristics of adolescents having experienced prostitution. Seventy-two adolescents with prostitution experiences and 72 adolescents without such experiences of total 6,622 middle and high school students participated in this study. Subjects completed ABAS-S, the scale consisted of ten problem behaviors and nine critical counseling problems of adolescents. Results showed revealed were as follow. First, the results of 2 way ANOVA, compared to adolescents with prostitution experiences were found to have more difficulties in such 17 variables as internet addiction, eating problem, career problem, family relations problem, teacher relations problem, peer relations problem, bullying victims experience, aggressive behavior, bullying bullies experience, runaway, status delinquency, criminal delinquency, drug use, sexual violence, pregnancy, abortion, violance/abuse victims experience than those without prostitution experiences. Also, there was 2 way interaction effect of prostitution experience × gender group in 7 variables - internet addiction, learning problem, family relations problem, status delinquency, criminal delinquency, playing truant, runaway, abortion. Second, the results of a stepwise regression analyses, of 10 behavior problems, predicting variables influence on prostitution experience showed 2 variables(R^2=.63). In that, the biggest influence on prostitution experience was criminal delinquency, followed by status delinquency. Also, the results of a stepwise regression analyses, of 9 critical counseling problems, predicting variables influence on prostitution experience showed 3 variables(R^2=.47). In that, the biggest influence on prostitution experience was abortion, followed by pregnancy, bullying bullies experience. The results of this study suggest that these variables be addressed in planning intervention services for adolescents who have been engaged in prostitution.

청소년 성매매, 매매춘, 성비행, 청소년 문제, adoledescent prostitution, sexual delinquency, adolescent problem behaviors



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology