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메뉴The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of sexual attitudes and sexual behaviors based on the married women's type of orgasm and orgasmic disorder. For this end, 206 married women were asked to complete the Dyadic Sexual Communication Scale, the Sexual Attitude Scale, the Sexual Self-monitoring Form, the Derogatis Sexual Function Inventory, the Kansis Marital Satisfaction Scale, the Female Sexual Function Index and the Women's Sexuality Questionnaire. The results were as followed: (1) As compared to the orgasmic women, the anorgasmic women reported have lower level of sexual communication, sexual assertiveness, variety and pleasure of sexual behavior, sexual satisfaction, marital satisfaction and sexual knowledge of partner. (2) When orgasmic women were divided into four orgasm types, there was high level of sexual communication, variety and pleasure of sexual behavior, sexual satisfaction, marital satisfaction and sexual knowledge of partner in the order of multiorgasm, coitus orgasm, partner orgasm and masturbation orgasm. Finally, clinical implications and limitations of the study were discussed.
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