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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The Moderation Effect of Avoidant Coping Strategy and Gender in the Relationship between Interpersonal Conflict and Depression: The Comparison of Avoidant Copings Strategies in Online and Offline Space


This study investigated the moderating roles of avoidant coping strategies in online and offline space and gender in the relationship between interpersonal conflict and depression. A total of 622 adults completed a survey packet including the measures of interpersonal conflict, use of avoidant coping strategy in online space and offline space, respectively, depression, and demographic information including gender. After deleting cases with missing values, univariate and multivariate outliers, 589 cases (263 men and 326 women) were included in analyses. The hierarchical regression analysis was performed to test the interaction effect of interpersonal conflict, avoidant coping in online space, avoidant coping in offline space, and gender on depression. The results showed that the three-way interaction effects of interpersonal conflict, online avoidant coping, and gender as well as interpersonal conflict, offline avoidant coping, and gender were significant. The subsequent slope difference tests indicated that the moderation effects of online and offline avoidant coping strategies were found only with men. For men, the greater use of online avoidant coping was related to a lower level of depression under the condition of greater interpersonal conflict. However, the more use of offline avoidant coping was related to greater depression when men experienced greater interpersonal conflict. The implications of the findings were discussed.

online, avoidant coping strategies, depression, interpersonal conflict, 온라인 대인관계, 회피적 갈등대처, 우울, 조절효과



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology