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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Reliability and Validity Study for the Korean version of Parenting Relationship Questionnaire-Preschool(K-PRQ-P)


The purpose of this study was to test the reliability and validity of the Korean version of Parenting Relationship Questionnaire-Preschool(K-PRQ-P). K-PRQ-P was administered to the parents of 388 preschoolers from 2 to 5 years of age. The reliability was tested through internal consistency and test-retest reliability(N=20). For validity test, scale intercorrelation, discriminant validity through administration to the parents of clinical preschoolers with emotional and behavior disorders(N=75), and construct validity through K-PSI and K-PSI-SF were examined. Results of confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the similar factor structures exist in both PRQ-P and K-PRQ-P. Overall, results showed high level of internal consistency(.74 to .81), test-retest reliability(.75 to .90), construct(K-PSI .20-.61; K-PSI-SF .19-.40) and discriminant validity, suggesting valid psychometric properties of the K-PRQ-P. Implications of using the K-PRQ-P both as a clinical tool and a research instrument are discussed.

한국판 부모자녀관계척도(K-PRQ-P), 유아, 신뢰도, 타당도, Paren-child Relationship, preschooler, reliability, validity, K-PRQ-P



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology