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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The mediating effect of the fulfillment of basic psychological needs in the relationship between emotional reliance and quality of marital relationship


This study was designed to investigate the mediating effect of the fulfillment of basic psychological needs in the relationship between emotional reliance on their spouses and the quality of marital relationships. A total of 257 married women completed a questionnaire packet including demographic information, emotional reliance, basic psychological needs satisfaction, and quality of marital relationship. The results indicated that all the variables were positively correlated. The results also indicated that the fulfillment of basic psychological needs was not significantly different by demographic variables (i.e. age and with or without children). However, employed women were highly satisfied with competence which is one of sub-construct of basic psychological needs. Lastly, the results revealed that basic psychological needs satisfaction partially mediated the relationship between emotional reliance and the quality of marital relationship for married women. The limitations and implications of the study were discussed.

emotional reliance, basic psychological needs satisfaction, the quality of marital relationship, autonomy, competence, relatedness, 기본 심리적 욕구 충족, 정서적 신뢰, 부부관계의 질, 관계성



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology