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메뉴There is a common belief that women's refusal in sexual behavior situations is not a true one. In this respect, this study aims to identify why women refuse to accept men's proposal to sexual interaction in sexual behavior situations and whether there is a difference in evaluated reason why women refuse such a proposal between men and women. Sexual behavior scenarios were presented to 152 male and female college students and asked to describe the reason why women refused as freely as they wanted. Based on this, questionable items on why women refused were organized and then sexual behavior situational scenarios were presented to 536 male and female college students and asked to evaluate the importance of the reason of women's refusal. As a result of factor analysis, the reason why women refused men's proposal could be classified into six sub-factors: ‘sense of chastity,’ ‘gender role norm,’ ‘manipulation,’ ‘relational changes,’ ‘lack of communion,’ and ‘practical issues.’ Female participants evaluated that the woman in a scenario refused man's sexual proposal for ‘sense of chastity,’ ‘relational changes,’ and ‘practical issue’ reasons more than male participants. On the other hand, male participants evaluated that the woman in the scenario refused man's sexual proposal for ‘gender role norm’ and ‘manipulation’ reasons more than female participants. Such a result was discussed with difference in sexual communication between men and women.
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