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메뉴Recently in korea, dating violence has become rate of incidence is rising and the a big problem in the society. The purpose of conducting this study is to investigate what the female victims of dating violence experience from the onset of the assault to the termination of the relationship. The subjects of this study were seven female college students aged 19 and over who had been victimized by dating violence within the last three years, and the individual in-depth interviews were conducted on them. The main research questions were, “What are the experience processes of the female victims of dating violence?” and “What are the main driving factors in the experience process?”As a result of analyzing the in-depth interview data by grounded theory approach, 95 concepts and 43 subcategories were derived from open-coding, and 17 categories were derived as a final result. The central phenomenon experienced by women suffering from dating violence appeared to be 'trapped in a snare of violence'. They were found to go through the process of breaking up with the perpetrator, trial, tightrope, recovery, and the growth phase. In addition, negative perceptions of parental relationships, confinement due to psychological and economic dependence, and perceived relationships with perpetrators as beloved experiences were risk factors in experiencing violence. Internalizing the cause of violence, self - harm and attempting suicide seemed to be obstacles to disconnection from the perpetrator, but the confrontation with the reality and the help of the external support system helped. This study suggests the implications for victims' intervention by looking at the process of dating violence experience.
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