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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Influence of Pregnant Women’s Mindfulness and Positive Emotions on Fetal Attachment: Mediating Effect of Positive and Negative Fetal Movement Experience


The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of mindfulness and positive emotions on fetal attachment, and the mediating role of positive and negative fetal movement experiences (FME). A questionnaire survey was completed by 235 pregnant women living in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Chungju. Structural equation modeling results showed that mindfulness in pregnant women indirectly affects the fetal attachment through negative FME and positive emotion. Specifically, mindfulness influenced fetal attachment through negative FME and positive emotions. In addition, mindfulness affects positive FME by improving positive emotions, which has been shown to contribute to increased fetal attachment. Meanwhile, positive emotions improved fetal attachment by allowing pregnant women to perceive fetal movements more positively, and the direct path was significant. In addition, mindfulness was shown to positively affect fetal attachment through positive emotions and positive FME. In conclusion, mindfulness and positive emotions in pregnant women have positive effects on fetal attachment by improving FME. Strategies to increase mindfulness and positive emotions among pregnant women, limitations of the study, and directions for future research are discussed.

maternal attachment, mindfulness, positive emotion, fetal movement experience, 태아애착, 마음챙김, 긍정정서, 태동경험



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology