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메뉴The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of the dyadic empathic scale, measuring empathy expressed in couples. Therefore, we developed Korean version of Interpersonal Reactivity Index for Couples(IRIC). Especially, to improve and complement original IRIC, we made both self-reported version and other-rating version of IRIC(IRICS & IRICO). So we could construct dyadic data and examine the actor effect as well as the partner effect in couples. Married or dating 295 couples(N=590) completed Korean self-reported and other-rating version of Interpersonal Reactivity Index for Couples(IRICS & IRICO) and other measures of relationship satisfaction and general empathy. As a results, a 2-factor structure and measurement invariance(between males and females & between married and dating group) of IRICS and IRICO was supported. Also, good convergent, discriminant, concurrent, and incremental validity as well as adequate internal consistency was showed. In conclusion, on the basis of above findings, the significance and limitation of this study were discussed and the future research direction was proposed.
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