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메뉴This study aims to examine the mediating effect on the relationship between work-family conflict and depression of working mothers. For this purpose, surveys was conducted by 208 working mothers who raises at least one child who is an infant or an elementary school student and works more than 40 hours a week with using work-family conflict scale(WFC: Work-Family Conflict), mindfulness scale(MAAS: Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale), depression scale(CES-D: The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale). The Mplus 7.0 was used to analyze the structural model, and the result showed that the higher the work-family conflict is, the lower the level of mindfulness becomes and the more depressive symptoms exist. Also, the lower the level of mindfulness becomes, the more the depressive symptoms exist. Bootstrapping was used to verify the significance of the mediation effect and the partial mediation effect of mindfulness were observed in the relationship between work-family conflict and depression. The results of this study are meaningful in terms of providing basic knowledge for developing the intervention programs to deal with the aftermath of work-family conflict in counseling and educating working mothers.
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