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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology

The Influence of Pregnant Women’s Attachment to Mother on Maternal-Fetal Attachment


The purpose of this study was to examine the structural relations among pregnant women’s attachment to mother, insecure adult attachment, marital quality, maternal-fetal attachment, and mediating effect of insecure adult attachment and marital quality. A self-reported survey was conducted on 625 pregnant women who participated in prenatal education program in Seoul and Gyeonggi, and Structural Equation Modeling was used to analyze the data. The results were as follows: First, attachment to mother influenced directly maternal-fetal attachment. and Second, attachment to mother affected indirectly maternal-fetal attachment through marital quality. Third, attachment to mother affected progressively maternal-fetal attachment through insecure adult attachment and marital quality Based on the results of this study, strategies to improve maternal-fetal attachment and support for parent and spouse were discussed.

원가족 어머니애착, 불안정 성인애착, 부부관계 질, 태아애착, attachment to mother, insecure dult attachment, marital quality, maternal-fetal attachment



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology